200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training


Experience Spiritual Growth and Personal Transformation

Become a Certified Yoga Teacher and live a spiritual experience through this learning program, find out the focuses of our course:

The 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training in Aveiro Portugal is a comprehensive RYT200 (Registered Yoga Teacher 200 hr) Yoga Alliance certified course, with a therapeutic focus on how to teach yoga. We have created this program so that the student can live a profound transformation through the learning process behond the asanas, pranayama and sacred teachings, we also want you to experience a retreat by adding nutrition as a foundamental pillar of the course, we will invite students to practice a silent conduct and digital detox throughout the course.

This Teachers’ Training Course (TTC) is a 25 days residential course, based on the ancient gurukula system of India where teacher and student live together. Students will be provided accommodation inspired by ashram lifestyle;  away from hustle and bustle of the city and away from noise and distractions. You will also experience in this program Karma Yoga as part of this spiritual journey. The teacher shall be always present to assist you in queries you come across during your practice and inner experience. The curriculum is extensive and covers both theory and practice. The traditional practice of Hatha Yoga is always the main focus of the teachings in our TTC.

Cooking workshops

One of the memorable experiences of a yoga and wellness retreat is the food itself. This course is conceived to assist you in your health, spiritual and wellbeing journey. By enrolling in this YTTC, you will undergo a transformational process, the beginning of a inner journey to find more clarity on what you need in your life at the moment. We believe food is an essential part of this process; clean, satvic, organic and prepared with care meal will assist you in having more energy, clear mind and help in deepening your meditation. The menu is elaborated by a health coach who will cook from garden to table organic foods daily for your meals. You will be served two meals per day with fresh, local and seasonal produce also inspired by Ayurveda principles. This means we will use herbs and spices to add minerals and aid the digestion, we will combine foods in a way that can ease your digestion system and in this way help you in better elimination for better clarity of mind and more energy. We want you to be part of this cooking process so you can take all of this knowledge and wisdom back with you when you go home. You will learn about medicinal broths, sprouting, spices and herbs and Ayurveda. You will get a hands on course in the kitchen, we want to inspire you on how to be creative with your dishes to transform your health and the one of your loved ones!

Karma Yoga

As sanskrit ancient teachings mention Karma Yoga is an important practice to purify the mind and cleanse the heart. It promotes positive feelings like humility, kindness, compassion, honour, gratefulness, generosity, love, and joy. Karma Yoga is all about doing your duty without thinking about yourself. The main purpose is to control and eventually let go of your ego. It is essential that in the practice of Karma yoga you do not involve your ego because only then you can do it without attachment and desire.

Silent conduct

We will provide you the knowledge of Traditional Hatha Yoga, and at the same time, you will experience the ashram lifestyle. This course will be free of technology. Absolute silence is to be observed on silent days where a digital detox will be put in practice. Following the code of conduct that allows for moments of solitude away from hustle and bustle of city. A digital detox is a 21st-century term.  It is a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic devices such as smartphones or computers, regarded as an opportunity to reduce stress or focus on social interaction in the physical world. Only during the specific time allotted, students can use their devices. We wish to assist you in making the best out of your course and dive deeper into your spiritual journey. 

You may question during your practice why you decided to do it in the first place but you will always come out the other side a better, stronger, more vibrant and in align person than you were before! Get ready to ignite some changes in your life not always in ways you expect or anticipate.

The Teachers’ Training Course (TTC) is a 25 days residential course, based on the ancient gurukula system of India where teacher and student live together. The program is certified by Yoga Alliance, and we have created it for only 10 students at the time.

In this program you will learn:

Traditional Hatha Yoga. Including the asanas (basic, intermediate and advance). The flow of Surya Namaskara. Some basic Hatha flow.
Cleansing techniques of Shatkarmas. Breathing techniques, the Pranayama. Learn and practice Yoga Nidra for deep relaxation.
Also learn the Hatha Yogic Kriyas.You will have the opportunity to learn to teach the different groups of people by learning:

  • Therapeutic yoga
  • Kids yoga
  • Pregnancy yoga
  • Props Yoga

In the lectures, you will learn:

Basic Anatomy and Physiology of different systems. The basic of Ayurveda and how to cook sattvic foods. Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Patanjali Yoga Sutras.

Highlights of this program:

This teacher training will be for an intimate group with more one-on-one time with the teacher. The food that is cooked and served is all garden-to-table, organic, keeping in mind digestion and Ayurveda. On Sundays, people can go sightseeing and explore the beautiful surroundings. The location is just outside of beautiful city of Aveiro, Portugal in Quinta Do Picado, a small village that is the perfect setting for slow living, learning, and self-exploration.

Giving by Ms Kadambari, a teacher from India who is on the path of propagating the benefits of Yoga in daily life, in the journey of spreading the traditional way of practicing Hatha Yoga, she if following the techniques of Swami Shivananda, Swami Satyananda and BKS Iyengar.

Created so the trainees experience a spiritual growth journey through this intensive 25 days and a personal transformation through the yogic lifestyle.

This curriculum include powerful sadhanas, intensive training to teach yogic practices, and various other complementary aspects like diet and cleansing practices.

More important aspects of this program are the observation of a digital detox. We ask this of all retreat attendees as an opportunity to disconnect from the outer world and reconnect to the inner wisdom and silence that resides within us all.

We are excited to share our passion for yoga and cooking with you, and we hope to meet you soon in Portugal. Let’s embark on a journey of self-discovery and take this opportunity to become a yoga teacher.

We wish to give you an idea of what a day can look like during this course, here is an example of a daily routine:

6:00 am Rise & Shine
6:00 – 7:30 am Shatkarmas / Meditation / Pranayama
7:30 am Herbal tea & fruits
8:30 – 10:30 am Asana class
10:45 am Brunch
11:45 – 12:45 am Karma Yoga
1:00 pm Lecture
2:00 – 2:30 pm Break, Herbal tea & fruits.
2:30 – 3:30 pm Yoga Nidra (Internal Yoga)
4:00 – 6:00 pm Therapeutic Alignment & Intermediate practices
6:15 pm Dinner
7:00 – 8:00 pm Kirtan
9:30 pm Lights Off

Join us now for a life-changing experience!